Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Install Camfrog Server 6.1 Linux in CentOS With webpanel for room


 Today am gone to Explain How to instill Camfrog Server 6.1 in CentOS With Webpanel for Room  

step 1 : log in to your server Putty or any program supports SSH

>> Download Putty

step 2 :  Command :   wget http://download.camfrog.com/get.php?type=fsl

step 3 :  Command : rpm -i get.php?type=fsl --nodeps

step 4: now you wanna use WinSCP

 >> Download  WinSCP

go to /etc/camfrogserver.d

now you have to edit cf_server.conf and put under   SSL_certificate_param=   

web_interface_enabled=on                    << this for make web control work
web_server_port=5999                           << port for web control

Note : you can change port with any number you wont 
Than save and close

 Step 5 : Download this file >>> Room_name

Extract it and log in to room_name folder

Open and Edit cf_room.conf using Notepad Or Wordpad 

 logon_name=House_club           < your room name
 logon_password=123445           < your room password
 serial=0000-0000-00000000     < your room procode 
 remote_access_login=Admin       < user for webpanel  you can change it with any thing you wont 
 remote_access_password=12344  < pass for webpanel  you can change it with any thing you wont
add_owner_password=12          < password owner for your room you can change it with any thing you wont
talk_time_limit=0                        < time mic talk  0 for unlimited 

Than save and close 

Now Rename room_name folder to your room name 

 Now upload your room folder to your server Using WinSCP 

Step 6 : Now go to SSH and give this orders

Command :    service camfrogserver start 

Command/etc/init.d/camfrogserver add room_name

change "room_name" with your room name

Command /etc/init.d/camfrogserver start room_name

change "room_name" with your room name

 Now the  Room become Online

Step 7 : for open the Webpanel and Control the room

open https://yourServerIP:5999

Note :

  •  Its https  not just http   
Put your Login  and password   and Enjoy Control your room

If you have any problem  feel free to Contact me and i will help you


  1. I cannot download your file link. Please help me as I have been trying, for two day, to get this to work without success

  2. okay I've gotten the webaccess page to load but it's not accepting the passwords I put in for it. Any advice?

    1. service camfrogserver stop


      service camfrogserver start


      service camfrogserver restart

      and test the password again

      if still can't tell me

      waiting your reply

    2. It turns out that the port was not open.

      Thank you for your help! I am running the older software. Which do you think is better?

  3. Camfrog remote access not working on server when i try to connect it says server closed connection any one know how to fix this ? much appreciated in advance

  4. Thanks a lot for your help! Took me a few attempts but got there in the end!. Btw the login panel doesn't work on the new Firefox 10.0.2 I had to login to web admin panel via Chrome browser. I think that is the problem the other person had!. How do I made Camfrog server boot up as a service when I reboot my server? I don't want to keep opening the Terminal window.

  5. link room_name file not found.
    pls reupload again thanks

  6. Hi, how do I get add all this to the firewall? I have been looking at CentOS firewall but can't work it out how to use it.

  7. This is Still Works ???

    same as too me my room its not online also my web login not work.. help please...

  8. Bonjour j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour faire fonctionner donc l'installation c'est faite sans souci par contre le mot de passe est pas bon pourtant il apparait bien sur le fichier conf j'ai mis la version Camfrog Serveur 5.0
    pour Linux

    1. Bonjour

      quel est votre système d'exploitation serveur?
      pouvez-vous faire un aperçu du problème?

    2. j'ai Centos 6 et j'ai pas de message d'erreur le lancement se fait mais impossible de me loger sur https://ip:5999

  9. i am not able to login into web panel .. please help me out.

  10. teşekkürler eğer yöntemi uygularsanız oluyor ben kurdum ayrıca o dosyayı indirmeye gerek yok conf uzantılı yapabilirsiniz kendinizde yazabilirsiniz arkadaşlar eğer konu hakkında yardım almak isterseniz camfrogta kuzey__yildizi nikine yada NOSTALGi odasından TiNYiSO ' ya mesaj bırakabılırsınız güzel bir paylaşım yapmış arkadaşa burdan teşekkürler

  11. web panel open but room not online.... help me

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. dears my room can online but users cant be stay or join that room..what is the problem here??? error is port 5999 ?? how i can recover it???

    1. did you get the camfrog to work if so can you help me out mine similar problem to yours

  14. hi my linux server runs centos 5.8 and i try to install camfrog server for linux it tells me it run but i can not log the web panel and the room dosn't be active in camfrog list as if it is blocked connection all ports are open can someone help me out to get room online

  15. Step 5 : Download this file >>> Room_name

    file not found. plz re upload again

  16. i would like to see an install tutorial for Centos 6.4 :)

  17. When connecting to https://my.server.tld:5999/ I get the nice login/password prompt but none of the logins and passwords I've configured are accepted.

    The logs just show a HTTP connection coming in and closing.

    Is it because my room isn't registered yet? I'm still waiting for CamFrog's email. But how would the room password affect the overall web panel password?

    1. same problem with mine. have you solve this issue?
